sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011


I'm starting to miss you badly..

duminică, 13 februarie 2011

Gone bad.

Pana nu de curand..puteam sa ma arunc si in foc pentru tine in fata lumii ca sa le demonstrez ca increderea pe care o aveam in tine nu are limite.Pentru ca te stiam intr-un fel,nu te credeam in stare de unele lucruri si ma bazam pe constiinta ta.Toate astea acum ceva vreme.Pana intr-un punct...

Acum,mi-am pierdut tot respectul pentru tine din momentu in care ai inceput sa faci anumite chestii.Am repulsii la judecata ta,si la cum iti coordonezi viata.Mi-e sila de inabilitatea te de a alege bunastare peste certuri ,iubire peste ura,bine peste rau.Minciunile tale sunt aceleasi,le-am invatat pe derost.Iti stiu obiceiurile,iar de obicei cand incerci sa minti nuti dai seama ca ma prind.Si oricum ma lasi rece.Rece ca gheatsa,rece absolut,rece in mine,cand vine voba de tine.Ma sictiresc deciziile tale fara sens.Ma deranjeaza incapabilitatea de a te potoli pt a face cv bine.Iar de cand ai inceput sa faci dinastea...respectu meu pentru persoana ta este nul si increderea in tine nu va mai putea fi niciodata cladita.
Ma deranjezi.
Ma enervezi.
Ma sictiresti.

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011


Baby baby you're as sweet as sugar,endlessly melting on my tongue.
Baby baby you're also as evil as the depths of hell,torture can be you middle name.

But baby baby stop your foolish needs of going on a separate road,cease the need to entwine with another female body in any way.

And baby baby i'll be everything you wished for,i'll be everything.

Cause baby baby even if our road was hard,or it still may be,i'll never go off this road with you.
Cause baby baby, you made some mistakes in the past,and you made some recently,i did too.

But baby baby i'll love you just the way you are..because you're different,you're lovely,you're childish,you're pure,raw,ecstatic,beautiful.You're the half that fulfills mine.You're electrifying,passionate.

You're LOVED.

And i don't care how comfy my bed is right now,your bed is where i wanna be now.

sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010


Time has stamped us both with pleasure
Wrapped up in his cloth forever
Our love has grown
Our souls had sewn

Bodies entwine craving each other
Lips fighting in sweet surrender
Our fire has lit
Our dance beat

Theres no forever as i pray
For some moments here to stay
There's no time that'll come
To hold us as one
There's no time that'll die
To stop this unutterable cry.

Pouring hate inside your soul
Desire nothing but to crawl
Burning you down
With every single dawn.

Never trusting you again
After putting this heart trough pain
Eternity dissolved so quick
Trust wall ruined brick by brick

-by me


In love with you from the start
I think we should never be apart
Made me feel like no one before
I will love you forevermore.

This feeling i cannot explain
This feeling of true pain
Smelling your tee’s perfume stain
Then searching for you in vain

I know i’ve done wrong
And now i listen to our song
Hoping it’ll bring you back
Make our love get back on track

I want to be loved by you once more
The feeling of your love i adore
I’ll scream until my throat gets sore
Till they know or love’s hardcore

I miss you very much
I wanna feel your touch
Please forgive me pretty soon
Wanna see our love in bloom

Let’s get back together
Otherwise i’ll be lost in this surrender
I cannot stand the pain
Please come and let’s be happy again.

-by me

sâmbătă, 23 octombrie 2010

Awful hope.

Pierzandu-ma printre sunete mladioase de chitara veche,ma afund din ce in ce mai mult cautand raspunsurile cerute de tot ceea ce sunt eu.As fi putut alege un alt drum,lesne de parcurs,as fi putut sa nu ma complic atat..M-am tinut de idealurile mele cat am putut eu de tare.Am incercat sa le ating,iar acum,dintr-un moiv sau altul,nu mai pot.Nu mi se mai da voie.Fericirea altuia traieste prin nefericirea mea intr-un prezent ratacit si diform.Nu pot sa indrept prezentul,desi nu am renuntat niciodata sa incerc.Mereu am sperat..pana si in ultima pietricica infima din al nostru Zid Chinezesc..

joi, 7 octombrie 2010


Uneori mie dor de tine..
Alteori incerc sa uit de tine..
Deseori nici nu apuc sa te vad.

Iar acum...acum...mi-e dor te tine rau.
Si vreau sa te iau in brate,asa special,cum te iau eu mereu.