How many special people change?
I was lost and lonely when he said suddenly:"You will change.Happiness in on her way to find you.It's just a matter of time."
I changed.I now remember nothing from my past.Those akins that kept me tied with my past are gone.Nothing to remember.Nothing.
Sunt atat de fericita.Nu pot sa imi inkipui o viata mai frumoasa decat asta..i fkin love my boyfriend..hes everything i wanted.
Violentatu nu conteaza..ce daca ma doare corpu ca naiba.macar stiu ca e din vina lui.si neam petrece tot timpul impreuna.asa cum am facut de multe ori...totu e perfect.si as dormi cu el non stop cause he's such a baby when he's sleeping..or that morning voice he has..<3
And his blue eyes are so cruel...lovely but cruel.Cause he's special...somebody special...
Si am magnet la el.de cand lam vazut in masina..magnet<3Deja am stat 2 zile fara el.Thats much.Dar ma gandesc la cum neam sarutat noi prima oara pe motoare...pe Scar tissue,cum mam simtit dupaia,pot sa ma gandesc la cele 25 de ore petrecute cu el la pena acasa...25..de..ore...cu el...what else can i ask for...la ziua de vineri...la el..
Nu mai imi trebuie nimic..For me this is heaven.Sunt fericita.
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